Friday, November 03, 2006

Open house season~

Selamat Hari Raya...Maaf Zahir Batin~

Rasanye masih blum terlewat kalo aku nak ucap slamat ari raya...almaklumlaa..kat malaysia ni semue org beraya selama sebulan... nak ganti posa sebulan... bulan ni mmg byk open house terutama kat umah kwn2...ada yg jemput..ada yg terlupa jemput... n ada yg tak jemput pun..

kalau yg jemput tu..insyallah aku gi nye..mkn free..sape taknak kan :) bagi sape yg blum ada plan nak buat open house..aku rase korang takyah plan pun...buat je :) ada nye org akan pergi...

bulan ni plak byk biter gembira yg aku dgr dr kwn2...yg nak bertunang tu ada laa dlm 2 org...yg nak kawin tu..blum dgr lagi.. kalo yg nak bercerai tu..aku harap takde laa kan.

ckp pasal org nye open house je...lupa plak nak ckp pasal open house sendiri

so kpd membe2...sile laa dtg k nnt kat umah aku..pd 18/11/2006 pukul 3.00pm-6.00pm.

nnt aku tambah skit lagi maklumat..ada keje lak

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


ari ini dlm sejarah tull...akhirnye berjaya gak naik KLCC...
sampai tingkat 51 je..dgr citer ada sampai tingkat 80..perhh..
tinggi tull...selama ni dok tgk menara tu terpacak je .. 2 batang lak tu...
tapi tak penah ada kesempatan nak naik walaupun ramai je kawan kat situ..sbgi ex student UTP yg grad tanpa mendapat tpt utk bekerja di Petronas...aku rase KLCC tu mmg best kalo dpt keje kat situ...untung btul membe2 aku yg dpt keje kat sana... gaji tinggi... bonus dpt..
komputer dpt... keje byk rehat(certain org la)...n memacam lagi...
jeles tull aku tgk korang nye opis...cantik btul.. aku tgk design dia gan perabot2 yg ada dlm tu pun dah kagum... terasa kerdil tul kalo nak dibandingkan gan opis yg aku duduk... tp aku ttp bersyukur sbb ada gak opis n tpt utk buat keje :)

camna aku dpt naik KLCC...hehe...senang je...kasi IC n amik kad pelawat...
then scan semue barang yg aku bwk termasuk badan gan mesin scan tu..
pastu naik laa pakai lif...hihi ..actually tadi pagi gi KLCC sbb ada presentation
pasal program n tpt utk Petronas buat program...kalau ada rezki...jd la...
so..kpd kawan2 aku yg kat Petronas tu...doa2 aaa supaya jd k...

ermm...ari ni aku cuti...maklum laa opis kat Selangor...nuzul quran... tapi alamat opis
KL... hihi... blasah je...tapi.. bile Selangor laa buat keje kat KL plak... kalo KL cuti..
buat keje kat Selangor or negeri lain... almaklum laa keje sendiri... cuti pun keje..
tak cuti.. lagi laa keje... tapi tak kisah laa...yg penting... kene enjoy the work..
so to my beloved sweetheart.. harap paham2 laa ye....chaiyok!!!

*Note : Teruk tull jerebu kat KL..tgk pemandangan KL dr KLCC nampak jerebu je lebey...
korang yg kerja kat KLCC tu tak pakai mask ke... bahaya dooo~

Monday, October 02, 2006

New Office!! Nur Adventure Services S/B

Last week mmg menarik...started off with puasa and also during that time...kene pindah opis...dugaan...alhamdulillah laa location nak kene pindah tu dekat je..tak yah nak sewa lori..
my old office...dah kene sewa kat org lain...sbb income dia need to move out...
the old office will eventually turn out to be a Salun n Spa center...menarik~
my new office was actually a restaurant...tapi sbb bisness dia kurang maju..tutup kedai..sedey tak dpt mkn char kuew tiao yg sedap tu lagi :(

sekrang my showroom n operation office will be there...hopefully will last long...location mmg cantek...depan jln besar...n sblh kedai mkn...hihi...(dah ada org ckp elok buat klinik plak)... after renovation for 1 mmg cantek dah kedai tu...minor renovation je...tak mampu nak buat elok2 sgt...bajet limited...hihi..n alhamdulilah this week can start operation dah..leganye....
nnt nak pohon telekom masukkan tepon...n nak kene subscribe streamyx laa jwb nye...baru leh online :) for bisness purpose. all my fren...nnt dtg laa ye singgah2 opis tu..n tlg laa ye kawan bwk bisness skali...insyallah kalo ada majlis doa selamat aku jemput korang mai k...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Slamat menyambut ramadhan n slamat berpuasa. Smoga kite semue peroleh keberkatan dan rahmat dr Allah SWT. walaupun dah masuk ari ke-3 still sempat lagi nak ucap kpd semue muslimin & muslimat.. kpd membe2 aku..jgn ponteng posa k...yg isap2 rokok tu arap2 leh lee benti pasni..katakan "TAKNAK"... kpd yg nakal2 pasni jd lebey baik... kpd yg tersayang..smoga segala doa dan amalan diterima-NYA...

Monday, August 28, 2006

my convo

alaa...tak larat lagi nak tulis citer pasal convo ni...just nak add picture lu...nnt edit balik this post
thankz 4 the present n flowers my lovely sweetheart....but mostly thankz 4 coming to my convocation...u received ur scroll from ct hasmah n i received from tun mahathir...hehehe :) sweet

Monday, August 21, 2006

the trip that failed~

isnin ku abis begitu saje....ari ni patut gi melawat Taman Negara...utk cari idea n mereka idea2 baru...pastu gi kenduri sorang cikgu...pastu gi kuantan jenguk akak yg tgh kursus auditor(akauntan)...tapi semuenye tak jd :(

perjalanan yg bermula sejak pukul 745 pagi...berakhir begitu saje...dah tinggal bape minit je lagi nak sampai Taman Negara....kereta lak masuk lubang...pastu terus problem....dah laa tgh2 utan...kat mana laa nak cari bantuan...nasib jmpa org kampung ...pastu dia ckp ada bengkel tak jauh dr gak laa drive keta sampai bengkel tu...

sesampainye di situ...mekanik lak kuar....pegi cari spare terpaksa call dia suh patah balik...nasib la bengkel dia tu buat kat umah...sempat gak laa layan majlis Siti n Datuk K nye wedding...Siti comel tul~geramnye~~waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....lagi sedey :(

pastu mekanik tu pun sampai laa umah dia...tgk2 keta...dia pun tak berani nak repair...kata estima...mekanik kampung tak berani sentuh..kalo proton bole laa kot...lepas pk punya pk...tinggal je laaa keta tu kat umah tu n mintak tlg org kampung hantar ke pekan utk amik teksi or bas balik kl...ops...teksi tak leh naik 5 terpaksa laa beli tiket bas ekspres...ops skali lagi....tiket bas ke kl lak dah abisssss........damn...dugaan tull...pastu nasib ayah berjaya cari org situ yg ada van...pakcik mat....dia sanggup hantar balik kl(tp kene bayar aa)..

kitorang pun naik laa van dia yg takde aircond...huhu..panas~...tapi nak buat camna..yg penting leh sampai umah....setelah hanpir 3 jam....sampai gak umah...dah sampai tu ape lagi..bukak pc n tulis blog laa....geram2.....(ingatkan dah malas nak update blog)

tu je laa cerita ari isnin ku~...kalo zaman sekolah ni leh buat karangan....tapi lagi panjang laa leh tulis..cume sekrang ni dah malas...nak main game~release tension

p/s: walau ape pun yg berlaku...sentiasa bersyukur gan segala dugaan yg diberi...alhamdulillah...takde pape yg teruk berlaku..semuenye selamat...

ohhh...ahad lepas berjaya masuk dlm vclip arahan erma fatima....harap nnt leh jd "pelakon sampingan yg tak diundang popular" laa..hahahah

Sunday, July 23, 2006 weekends~ WEEKENDSSSSSSSSSSS....ganna end soon..actuallly no weekends at all...haha
nak buat camna keje sendiri...semue kene buat from a-z...ari ni gi setup opis lg.. upe2nye byk bende kene buat..bisness x da la byk's a good start...but kene put more effort to move it...a thousand mile jurney start with a single step...btul ke ayat aku ni...btul kot..
thankz for all who supported me during this, frens n xpecially my belove sweetheart....thanks 4 ok laa...nak sambung gi buat keje...tata~

may Allah bless my effort n work.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Panjat..jgn tak panjat

Sabtu- Buat pertama kali wall climbing di Nur Lembah Pangsun telah dipanjat org...hihi...
seronok tull dpt tgk org berjaya gunakan wall climbing ni...seksa gak nak bina sendiri..tapi pengalaman tu mmg pertama yg berjaya naik...ialah Effi...sepupu aku@anak yg telah byk menyumbang dlm project ni.. kitorang saje suh budak kecik panjat sbb nak test standard wall climbing ni... n the result..dak kecik bole naik..n org dewasa pun leh naik..tapi jgn anggap senang sbb dlm 20 org yg panjat pada ari pertama tu...hanya separuh je yg berjaya dlm 1st trail... sesetengah bahan experimen yg panjat pada hari tu ialah ex-student MMU.. kalo tak silap diorang tgh ada program alumni kat ada laa dlm 5 org telah try naik...dan hanya 3 berjaya...hihi.. so smoga project ni berjaya...n more wall to be done~

p/s: dun just sit around... challenge ur self!

Yg best & yg tak best!!!

alhamdulillah...byk plak citer yg menarik ari ni..1st skali dgr citer dpt panggilan dr UTP..dia ckp convo 27/28 bulan 8 ni...erkk..tapi dia tak mention plak aku kene pegi...(sbb dia call tak dpt so divert gi tepon ayah plak)...time tepon tu dia leh tanya plak tgh keje ayah aku dah ckp dah buat keje sendiri....kalo aku tak keje dia nak offer keje best kot..huhu...melepas...ataupun...
dia saje nak test tanya2 org yg result hampeh ni leh dpt keje ke tak....harap2 bkan camtu laa niat dia....UTP...ready 4 my last visit nnt...hehe

ohh...sblm terlupa...satu lagi citer yg plg best...citer pasal artis kesayangan...hihi...dia tak lama lagi nak clash gan si datuk tu dah...haha...anak dia jahat sgt siti...kembalilah pada ku~..

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Climbing Gym...

ades....sengal plak badan2 ni....tapi seronok ...mesti Azmer pun tgh tak larat nak buat trip to Summit Climbing Gym gan Azmer mmg berbaloi...walaupun dia dah penah naik wall kat sini...tapi tu 2 thn kire cam kite ni same je laa lvl...tapi aku still noob lagi...time aku naik mmg aku trust kat ko laa Mer utk jaga aku...hihihi....Cuak!!!..To learn the basic of climbing n belaying mmg important since dah buat wall climbing sendiri....pd course smlm Climbing Personal Training (CPT) yg dianjurkan oleh Nomad mmg berguna...n the most cool thing is that it is free...yeay.... now aku dah jd certified belayer...tapi still the 1st stage la :)

Thanks to Ms Sal...Wan...Wye Yim n all Nomad staff for the help...maybe we will be seing each other more often after this.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

wall climbing the return!!!

alhamdulillah....seronok tull weekend ni...kene kerja...tapi kerja yg best gi pasang wall climbing nye batu..tak penah skali pun naik wall climbing.. alih2 gi pasang baru utk org panjat... baru laa tau betapa best nye wall climbing ni rupenye.. dulu kat utp or tpt2 lain tak penah skali pun nak panjat time ada expo...sekrang ni cam gian nak panjat je... sampai lenguh2 laa tangan ngan sakit kaki dibuatnye..mgu depan nak gi Nomad Adventure gi traning cara2 memanjat yg btul..sape rase larat nak gi panjat...
jom ikut~

p/s:Ramzu..Paksu gan Pejai tgh racing panjat

Saturday, July 01, 2006


orang yg kalau kentut lalu menyalahkan org lain.

orang yg menahan kentutnya sampai berjam-jam.

orang yg tahu mase yg terbaik untuk kentut.

orang yg ingin kentut tapi tidak boler kentut.

orang yg kalau kentut, orang lain tidak ada yg tahu.

orang yg tiba-tiba terkentut bile disergah.

org yg melepaskan kentutnye dengan bunyi yg amat lantang.

org yg kentut dalam selimut dan terus dikibaskan baunya.

org yg kentut tidak berbunyi tetapi gusar org lain terbau kentutnya.

org yg menyembunyikan bunyi kentutnya dengan ketawa terbahak-bahak agar org lain tidak dpt mendengar bunyi kentutnya.

org yg kalau abis kentutnya menghirup untuk mencium angin kentutnya.

org yg boleh mengeluarkan kentut apabila disuruh.

org yg sering mencium kentutnya sendiri dan bercerita akan keharuman kentutnya.

org yang tidak kisah mencium kentut org lain.

org yg suke kentut biler berkumpul dgn teman2.

org yg gemar kentut didalam air.

org kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalaman.

org yg mengaku kalau abis kentut.

org yg menghuraikan kandungan bau kentut org lain.

org yg biler ketawa sambil terkentut.

org yg kentut bunyinya mendayu dan berirama merdu ketika sedang berdating.

org yg bile batuk dier akan terkentut.

org yg mudah marah bile terbau kentut walaupun kentutnya sendiri.

Friday, June 30, 2006

GO GO France!!!!

Yeahh..lama tull tak bukak blog sendiri..apetah lagi blog org lain....sanggap tak ingat bile tak leh online selama 3 3 tahun the way takde citer pape sgt just nak wish good luck to my team...FRANCE....smoga berjaya kalah kan Brazil....n win the world cup again :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's Left Of Me

Watch my life,
Pass me by,
In the rear view mirror
Pictures frozen in time
Are becoming clearer
I don't wanna waste another day
Stuck in the shadow of my mistakes

Cause I want you,
And I feel you,
Crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger,
Like a burning,
To find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken,
And I'm faded,
I'm half the man I thought I would be:
But you can have what's left of me

I've been dying inside,
Little by little,
No where to go,
But going out of my mind
In endless circles,
Running from my self until,
You gave me a reason for standing still

It's falling faster,
Barely breathing,
Give me something,
To believe inTell me: It's not all in my head

Take what's left
Of this man
Make me whole
Once again

I've been dying inside you see
I'm going out of my mind
Out of my mindI'm just running in circles all the time
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left of me?
Running in circles in my mind
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left of me?

Football Fever!!!

ades...rase cam nak demam dah demam ye...mkn ubat pun tak jd pape..
satu care je nak ilangkan demam ni...tido...hahahaha...
well...agak mengecewakan plak team pilihan 1 dah kalah 1st game.
iran vs mexico....dah agak dah kalah tapi ttp sokong gak... nampak gaya suntikan uranium
utk player2 iran still tak cukup...mungkin sbb kene sekatan ekonomi... damn..takde kaitan pun..
team pilihan kedua plak France...still doesnt show their true seri je utk 1st match..
hopefully dedua team ni berjaya gi 2nd stage.. kalo tak kene laa sokong trinidad n tobago...hahaha..sejak wcup ni tak penah lak tido dlm bilik...asik tido dpn tv je...huhu
mandi kol 11 mlm pastu baring depan tv tgu game kol 12...tengok separuh jln..dah terlelap..
sedar2 balik si shebby gan sorang mamat yg aku tak kenal dok citer pasal game pkul 3 plak..
maknanye dah terlepas game kol 12 nye final result... :( takpe tgk lak game kol 3 tu..tapi baru dok nak start tertido balik...bgn2...tgk2 ayah dah bgn nak gi subuh n tutup tv...terlepas lagi satu masuk bilik bukak soccernet...tgk result kat situ je .

Monday, June 05, 2006

Chiang Mai International Airport!

Ready or i come...tgk ikut satellite dulu... alhamdulillah...berjaya gak merancang percutian ke Thailand...Insyallah..esok kapal terbang landing kat airport ni..
Smoga perjalanan semuenye selamat pergi dan balik..Amin~

The last song lyric!!!

This may be the last thing that I write for long
Can you hear me smiling when I sing this song,
for you and only you
As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eyes
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now

You wanted the best, it wasn't me,
will you give it back , now I'll take the lead,
when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive,
is this what you want ,is this what you need,
how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope,
that you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song

Somehow I knew that it would be this way,
Somehow I knew that it would slowly fade.
Now I'm gone, just try and stop me now.

You wanted the best, it wasn't me,
will you give it back, now I'll take the lead,
when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive,
is this what you want, is this what you need,
how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope,
that you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song

And will you need me now,
you'll find a way somehow
You want it too, I want it too.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope,
that you will miss me whenI'm gone now
This is the last song
[repeat 2x]

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Subhanallah...maha suci Allah....tersentak hati bile tgk gambar2 n dgr citer2 dr negara sblh yg dilanda gempa bumi bebaru ni...sedey bile mengenangkan nasib org2 yg ditimpa bencana...innalillah... alhamdulillah sepupu aku yg belajar kat universiti gajahmada tak ditimpa musibah yg teruk...dia leh stay lagi kat sana utk bantu mangsa2 ... tak sesia amik medic kat situ...leh tlg diorang...anyway..sbgi insan, mari laa kite sumbangkan anything yg bole meringankan beban mereka k... dan sentiasa lah bersyukur dgn apa yg dikurniakan oleh-Nya.

Monday, May 29, 2006


byk tull pc nak kene repair...satu2 berjangkit sakit plak... dr opis sampai ke umah nye pc...semue ada2 je karenah masing2...tapi takpe...cuba gak repair takat mana yg bole...kalo tak leh gak...baru antar kedai :(

Bad Day~

Where is the moment when we need it the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that
Well I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
And how does it feel, one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Malaysia VS Yourteam

nice one malaysia....menang 2-1...anyway...good game from both team....walaupun kasar byk..
still nice...but utk team malaysia yg masih muda2....smoga pengalaman ni (lawan team yg defensive giler) dpt bantu utk memantapkan lagi serangan n taktics...All the best to Malaysia team!!! yeay :P

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Opis ku~

alhamdulillah laa ari ni...byk bende yg dpt di buat...syok tul...walau pun tak semue abis lagi..
hihi...anyway..opis dah bertambah item....khemah2 yg dipasang utk memenuhkan ruangan opis...smoga bisness nnt maju...Amin~

Sunday, May 21, 2006

more skodeng...

now i know how our office look like from the top.. hehe..

Her workplace>>>>


Skodeng2 Google Earth!!!

hihi...ari ni dapat gak buat bende yg menarik...
melihat dunia di merata tempat...
terasa cam kecik je dunia ni...padahal besar doo...
tapi mmg berguna tull software ni..leh tgk umah aku
sendiri.nnt senang laa nak buat peta nak dtg umah time buat kenduri..
by the punya pk...terasa plak ketidak privasian kite
sbgi rakyat di malaysia ni...upe2nye kite ni senang2 je
diskodeng oleh pihak2 tertentu...
damn....papepun suke kat software ni...

umah sape lak ni???cube teka--->>>>>>>>

p.s: gambar yg ada tu takde laa latest sgt pun...
agak outdated sbk aku amik yg free nye

Friday, May 19, 2006


ni saje2 takde keje jmpa gambar artis
kesayangan plak....
sblm dia kawin...leh laa ngorat2 lu~

RAN Online!

The Omen began 18 years ago in Asia. This was where the day became night. Total darkness enveloped the land. All was calm and peaceful until the stars started to fall. Never before has the sky so littered with falling stars. The land just watched and waited.
16 years after the eclipse, a new power emerged throughout the land. The government and the people tremble to this entity’s influence and will. It was called, Sacred Financial Group, an organization surrounded by wealth and power yet clouded in a shroud of myth and mystery. What is known about this organization is that four unique institutions were founded and funded by this group. The institution names were as mysterious as their founding organization. One was called Sacred Gate; the second was named Mystic Peak, the third Phoenix and last was named Leonine Campus.
The initial outlook of these institutions is like any renowned sports institution in the land. Potential students have to go through stringent assessments and only top athletes are selected. Its only when students start attending the schools, they find that things are very different.
The four institutions were built with strange architecture and structures. From an initial glance, one could almost feel that the four institutions were arcane in nature. What is even more mysterious, the institutions do not follow any conventional syllabus. Many strange events and practices made new students very uncomfortable. They were initially confused and bewildered. Strange and unconventional as the syllabus might be, it is, however, very difficult and both taxing on the mind and body. Students will adapt and fall into the school’s routine. Rumors are abound that the students in these institutions are trained in conventional and non conventional combat skill, some techniques even beyond those used by the military.
So far, things are calm and peaceful. But somewhere deep inside the four institutions there is an unspeakable force that lies dormant, waiting and biding its time. Uncertainty, Fear, Anxiety are in everyone’s heart… but on the other hand, they feel excited about the destruction, and long to destroy… the evil self that was hidden in their deep souls…As for the four institutions, each student just trains and waits…

Thursday, May 18, 2006


rambut dah pendek plak...ingatkan nak potong skit je...
terpotong byk plak....kene laa tgu tumbuh balik

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

wall climbing lagi

ades...penat plak ari ni....smlm gi summit tgk nomad advanture nye tpt wall climbing...puas tull tgk tempat tu...luas tull setup dia...n jmpa plak manager dia kat situ...mmg berbaloi trip gi situ...
ari ni plak pasang plywood ...berat tak hingat tull...nasib buat keje 3 org..kalo tak, jd badang laa jwbnye...hihi...mari tidur~..ehh..jap ...dota lu sepam

Monday, May 15, 2006

Fort Minor Where'd You Go Lyrics

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit,
and just be normal for a bit,
"I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot,
workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once in a while,
Shit,I find myself just fillin' my time,
Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For while you're not around,
and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

wall climbing continues~

project wall climbing bersambung lagi....abiss sehari suntuk dok potong besi....clamp besi...gan mengusha org....buat keje time ujan mmg mencabar tull....dah laa licin...ada guruh2 lagi...alhamdulillah semue selamat....jgn laa kene petir..anyway...tak sabar nak tgu siap...nak jadi org pertama panjat...hihi

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


hihi...dah berkurun tak bukak blog....tak sangka dah ada blog upenye...ada org tu dia citer dia baru buat blog....tgk2.....kite dah bukak lagi lama.....but tak update berkurun lamanye....
ermm...tadi baru balik dr pangsun....buat wall civil engineer plak rasenye...malas plak nak taip byk2...nnt pas mandi laa layan komputer balik...dota sepam~